Green Jobs Surveys

Where will displaced auto workers find jobs? Is the green economy a viable alternative?

To answer these questions, we began by benchmarking the number of green jobs in each state and the industries of concentration. Next, each state conducted surveys of thousands of businesses and found that green jobs span a wide range of industries and occupations, but were concentrated in manufacturing and construction—the very industries most affected by the recent economic downturn. Demand for these green jobs varied across the region, based on the industry mix and employers' perceptions of green.

Automakers also stated that green products and production techniques will have a more profound effect on engineering and technical staff requirements than on the production and trades worker skill sets.

The green engineering and technology occupations with the greatest demand now and projected for the future tend to require expanded skill sets and more education and training. This trend in "up-skilling" of occupational requirements is true of green jobs as well as most other in-demand occupations.


Driving Change is funded by the State Labor Market Information Improvement Program of the U.S. Employment and Training Administration.

It is a tri-state consortium of the Indiana Department of Workforce Development; Michigan Department of Technology, Management, and Budget; Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services and their strategic partners. This website is maintained by the Indiana Business Research Center at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. Email comments/questions to | Privacy Notice